Tree Policy
One of our goals in raising awareness about trees is to advocate for more extensive tree policy in our township. This page is a collection of resource materials to use as a guide.​
For reference in calculating areas: .5 acres = .2 hectares
.5 acres = 21,780 square feet
.5 acres = 217.8 feet deep by 100 feet wide
.5 acres =200 feet deep by 109 feet wide
An average lot is 50' wide x 100' deep. So .5 acres is approximately the size of 4 average lots.
A comprehensive by-law that protects based on zoning and the urban boundary. No minimum area criteria, but several exemptions.
35 pages by Barbara Heidenreich includes information on the Planning Act, the Municipal Act, the Ontario Heritage Act, the Conservation Land Act and the Forestry Act in relation to tree preservation.​
9 pages. A good overview of the benefits of trees.
11 pages by Barbara Heidenreich. An overview of the Acts covered in the long version, including possible exemptions to include in policy.
By-law covers trees in woodlots. Implemented by Clerk or Transportation and Environment Section or Council.
4 pages on the benefits of trees from a Conservation Authority.
Lots of relevant information in this 17-page booklet: includes the value of trees, the legislation that allows tree by-laws and the issues in drafting a by-law.
A 27-page Power Point, but easy to read and lots of pictures. Includes the benefits of a tree by-law and its use as an educational tool.
34 pages includes discussion of many of the issues to consider in recommending tree policy.
24 pages: a general discussion of the value of green spaces, Natural Capital, integrated approach to environment and economics, Green Infrastructure. Lots of pictures.
2 pages on how to inventory trees.
2 pages on organizations offering grants and support.
2 pages on what builders should know about protecting trees.
Fact sheet and sample by-law outline from OUFC on strategies to contain the emerald ash borer. 2 pages.